
a yugoogly for nessie

oh, dear nessie...

struck down in your silvery years, drug off unceremoniously to meet your doomiest doom in the junk yard! if only your enemy had not been on his teeny tiny cell phone, you might not have been smashed to tiny bits. but you were, and we were sad, so we went home to watch some espin, looking for a little light football, but only demolition derby was on...and it only made me sadderer!

how i miss your quality leather-plush interior...how i feel cut off from the rosy sun without a window to the stars! how music will never be the same without your premium sound system, even if the cd player had broked, nor will my body temperature without your climate control system and duel airbags.

you carried me from hither to thither without much further ado. but alas, i am left only with fred's dump, barely wobbling to and fro in its final throes.

oh for the daiye when again, i will meet you in our happy heaven above! i know you were a little bulimic, but at least reading minds can come in handy in a paradise full of strange people.

until we meet again!


Mandy said...

love the nessie haven picture!
sorry you're stuck w/ fred's red beast- but with the econ. down, dealers are pushing extra incentives to get a sale!

Biotica said...

Man, I am so sorry about your car. Unbelievable that you all were o.k. That could have been really serious.

I absolutely love your eulogy. Got to have a sense of humor about these things. ;)

You are one of the best people I know at keeping a grin in the worst of times.

Rachelle Johnson said...

by the by, a few people have missed that this is a huge ripoff of Zoolander... if you haven't seen the movie, then watch some highlights on youtube. it's way funnier if you get the references.